The REAL VS BS….I’m sure you have heard it all before, Ready here we go….

NEW YEAR – NEW YOU….(yawn)

6 Week…Challenge, Transformation or the “best” CONTEST

A contest to show I’m out of shape…NO THANKS!thumbs down to globo gyms

$1 down and only YADA YADA a month…They know you won’t SHOW UP as you’re NOT HELD accountable

The GLOBO GYMS LOVE & THRIVE on THE NEW YEARS Resolutions, this year I’m REALLY REALLY, I MEAN REALLY going to go…

Do you know what plan is best for you? DO you want to BE SORE 24/7? or worse, get hurt trying to keep up to HIT some METRIC on a white board

SIMPLE ANSWER….. NO…so you Make the EXCUSE “I knew it was too hard….so I won’t even try”

TOTAL BS, that’s like feeding your prized PET Micky D’s 3 times a day knowing it isn’t good for them.

WHY I know so many people that FEED their Pets the Best Food, never miss a Vet visit…RUN OFF to the EMERGENCY VET with no thought of HOW MUCH IT COSTS….

But for ourselves….we will skimp, say I don’t Have Time, it COSTS too much….REALLY

What Value do you put on YOUR Health, Vitality and Well being. Aren’t you TIRED of BEING TIRED all the TIME, dragging yourself out of bed….not liking what you see in the mirror or WORSE what THE SCALE says…

Your PET has no limitations BUT you choose to put many on yourself with FAST, SIMPLE EXCUSES that are easier then even TRYING to Look Better and Feel Great.

You deserve happiness as much as your PET….OK, WAIT “I don’t have a PET”…. then insert Kids, CAR, Motorcycle you get the idea

Who looks forward to getting up at ZERO DARK THIRTY and forcing yourself to go to the DREADED GYM and make yourself miserable…

I won’t BS you, we don’t have a MAGIC PILL that requires no commitment or No effort….. YES, you will have to be consistent!

DON’T QUIT on YOU……You just need to find a PROGRAM and COMMUNITY that you will LOVE going to a few times a week. YEPPERS we have very successful clients that only train 2X a week.

Many choose to do an OPTIONAL 3rd day, BUT it’s not required.

Now the BEST NEWS……No RIDICULOUS DIET…in fact we don’t like that WORD “Diet” as it means sacrifice and you will despise it.

Just moderate changes to make you feel GREAT with many of the foods you already LOVE, maybe just cut back on some EXTRA sides, dressings and BOOM. You are on your way

NO silly CLEANSES either where you are AFRAID to leave your house or be at work hoping you make it to the RESTROOM in time.

Just add a few glasses of water per day to improve your hydration and BAM…You will feel awesome.

The TRAINING… where we specialize. NO EXPERIENCE needed, you Don’t need to be in shape to try us out and YES you are coordinated enough!

All it takes is a FIRST STEP……FINALLY Find THE SOLUTION to all your HEALTH, FITNESS and quality of LIFE goals/needs and the most OUTSTANDING part is you will LOVE and LOOK FORWARD to every classAdult Martial Arts

Last Friday we sent a quick poll out to some of our newer members and GUESS WHAT?

They said if they hadn’t found EMPIRE….their health would SUCK or BE CRAP. That they had finally found a place where they fit in, LOVED and I mean really LOVED every class and the Number 1 reason They couldn’t wait to get to EMPIRE is THEY KNEW WE CARED!  We make sure everyone works at their own pace, we have FUN and yes even laugh a bit BUT Get in Great Shape Fast, KNOCK the STRESS out at the end of the day.

And FINALLY they get REAL RESULTS that STICK and they found a welcoming community in Albany, NY that is with them every step of the way.