If You Are Looking For ACTUAL Results….

Katie and Cori doing some Krav Maga drills

THE UNSEXY, NO BS WAY TO ACTUALLY GETTING RESULTS….. The REAL VS BS….I’m sure you have heard it all before, Ready here we go…. NEW YEAR – NEW YOU….(yawn) 6 Week…Challenge, Transformation or the “best” CONTEST A contest to show I’m out of shape…NO THANKS! $1 down and only YADA YADA a month…They know you […]

Getting Stronger At Any Age

77 year young grandma doing Adult Martial Arts

Getting Stronger At Any Age If you want to get stronger… Be more physically fit… Have a faster metabolism… And protect your bones and joints as you get older… Then you need to have an appropriate strength training program in place.   Strength training is good for everyone.  It’s a great way to get stronger, […]