Congratulations…you’ve made the decision to start exercising to improve your health…..Just like these folks did!
But how do you get started?
This is a common question I receive from prospective clients—or those who are completely new to exercise.
The best advice I can give is this:
You need to set goals you want to accomplish—then set a plan to reach those goals. Easier said than done, I know.
But once you have defined your goals, you can then set a plan to reach your goals. And the best way to develop your goals is by developing S.M.A.R.T goals.
Smart simply means:’
Let’s take a look at each one in more detail:
Specific–You need to have very defined goals. Losing 5 pounds may seem specific, but it’s a very broad goal. To drop 2 pant sizes is a more specific goal. The more defined your goal, the better chance at success you will have.
Measurable—you need to have a way to measure your progress. Track your progress, and seeing changes, keeps you motivated knowing you’re heading in the right direction.
Attainable—your goals need to be attainable. Set realistic goals, and put the tools and resources in place to measure your progress. This holds you accountable and gives you small wins along the way.
Realistic—your goals need to be realistic. When setting goals, they need to be both relevant to you, and things you know you can accomplish. Setting a goal of losing 50 pounds in 2 months, for example, may not be a realistic goal. But losing 5 to 10 pounds a month, may be more realistic and much easier to attain.
Timely—you need to have a set end date for when your goals should be accomplished. It could be 3-months, 6-months, or a year…but you need to have a clear start and end date to keep you motivated to make changes.
After developing your S.M.A.R.T. goals—you can then implement the appropriate plan to reach those goals.
I know it can seem daunting…..BUT we have helped HUNDREDS of adults just like you, some had never worked out before, others just wanted an alternative to the BORING GLOBO GYM….that was FUN, helped them de-stress while learning Self Defense or Kickboxing
Our GOAL is to help you with ACCOUNTABILITY, follow through, support and guidance and MORE. You just have to take that first step and Call us at 518-456-2582 or just OPT IN on this website.
We look forward to meeting you.
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